Thursday, October 15, 2009

New terrain

I have decided it.

This attitude has to change.

I want myself back again.

Yeahhh, I'm just gonna try harder. Be stronger, be independent.
Maybe some day I'll find the happiness.
I'm gonna take it step by step..

I started today.

This feels a lot better already

And I actually like some things about fall

like for example the leaves the sound when your shoe crushes them
and their colors of course
I also like the excuse walking fast/run everywhere because it's so windy and cold that you just want to get inside really fast
There is some 'feeling going on' only when it's autumn.

1 comment:

  1. yay, good for you :>
    step by step is the best way to get somewhere.

    i love the fall <3
    everyone's so miserable but not me, there's so many pretty colours everywhere, you can cry when you're walking outside cos it's raining and all the other stuff <3<3 love it love it LOVE IT

    have a nice day, dear <3
