Thursday, March 4, 2010

This is what I have to say for today.

Like this snow leopard, I'm pissed off for that winter.....

I'm gonna just stay inside and sleep the days off if this cold weather keeps going like that..

I don't wanna go into any shops anymore and see all that summer/spring stuff that no one could ever wear in this weather. It makes me mad.. -__-
I would rather take that shitty rain weather, rather than freez my ass of waiting a buss that maybe doesn't even come.

I want to wear something pretty for a chance and go out for a walk and hear the birds!!
No more that f***** snow !

Secondly... I'm a little bored in fact.

01. What do you hate the most?
- The feeling of being full

02. Who do you miss right now?
- My German friend, my crush and Japanese people

03. What is worth waiting for?
- Nothing. I want everything right now, life goes by if you wait all the time. But on the other hand, I always have to wait just like others do, so I would say it's worth waiting for moving to Scotland.

04. What is there that you can't wait?
- Spring, Easter, Summer. To get out of here. To lose weight haha

05. What is your favorite food?
- Feta salad, sushi.

06. Favorite sweets?
- ice cream and cookies (my biggest weaknesses..... -___-)
I noticed that as much as I used to like chocolate, nowadays it makes me wanna puke because it's so strong and fatty tasting... I've learned to like things that makes feel light and refreshed : DDD or just neutral (for example cookies are neutral).

07. My biggest fear
- Losing someone that is important to me.

08. Best tv-show?
- Japanese dramas. Also I like to watch those Next top model shows.

09. What is the first thing you notice about people?
- I pay attention how they act, are they friendly. Also eyes, hair and smile.

10. What things you like to buy the most?
- Clothes (especially jeans, dresses, shoes, tops) and coffee/ice cream when hanging out with my friends

1 comment:

  1. i'm also so sick and tired with this goddamn winter. i hate the snow. i hate that it's freezing. argh.

    i miss summer ;___;
